- gooseberries (green and red) are nearly ready to pick
- blackcurrants are turning blacker but still sour!
- rhubarb now finished picking and leaves starting to die back
- redcurrants: early bush very sweet and ready and middle bush ready to pick, late bush still green. Two cuttings (from Mum's last year?) growing ok.
- blueberries are still greenish but looks a bumper crop on 3 out of 4 main bushes. 3 small cuttings still alive but growing slowly.
- 2 cherry trees (one tree had 3 cherries, but I knocked them off - oops)
- 4 pear trees
- strawberry patch fruiting well

- 1 cucumber - growing poorly and the other died, no sign of flowers or fruit
- Courgettes - after weeks of male only flowers the females finally joined the party but even with a bit of help they are just not pollinating as well as last year. Some fruit swelling at least.
- Chili peppers - originally grown last year at home but never flowered so still alive!
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