Friday, 10 July 2009

Feeling Fruity

Carrying on the 'where it's at' theme - the fruit zone...

- gooseberries (green and red) are nearly ready to pick
- blackcurrants are turning blacker but still sour!
- rhubarb now finished picking and leaves starting to die back
- redcurrants: early bush very sweet and ready and middle bush ready to pick, late bush still green. Two cuttings (from Mum's last year?) growing ok.
- blueberries are still greenish but looks a bumper crop on 3 out of 4 main bushes. 3 small cuttings still alive but growing slowly.
- 2 cherry trees (one tree had 3 cherries, but I knocked them off - oops)
- 4 pear trees
- strawberry patch fruiting well

The polly house... suffered badly in the strong winds of May and after just one month the zip split down one side of the door. At least with a crack in the door it's keeping the temp down, but even so have twice hit a max of 55'C (131'F) at the top shelf level (4feet). There seems to be a rather basic design fault in having no vent at the top. (Dragons' Den here I come!)

- 1 cucumber - growing poorly and the other died, no sign of flowers or fruit
- Courgettes - after weeks of male only flowers the females finally joined the party but even with a bit of help they are just not pollinating as well as last year. Some fruit swelling at least.
- Chili peppers - originally grown last year at home but never flowered so still alive!

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