2009 sees several crops from last year overwintering: garlic, leeks, salsify, winter cabbages, spring cabbages, parsley and some red spring onions from last year that got nibbled by slugs and never really got going until autumn. We also have a patch of spinach that I chopped to the ground in Feb as it was a bit tough and didn't taste so nice.Early sowings made of Chinese mixed salads, mixed salads, little gem lettuce, radish, carrots, dill, beetroot, spinach and spinach beet in trays and into either plastic mini-greenhouse (or plastic boxes with lids) on 14th March.More sowings on 5th April of radish, kale nero, savoy cabbage, beetroot, peas, celeriac, carrots.Seedlings bought and potted on: 12 cauliflowers and 6 red cabbage.As at 19th April, new crops in the ground include 6 leeks (from seed but most eaten), 6 bunches of red onions, one bagful of white onion (Stutgarter) sets, 10 broad beans (from seedlings) intially planted under plastic bottles to give a boost, 6 kohl rhabi, 6 turnips, 6 swedes (all from bought seedlings) and a patch of Jersey potatoes that are just starting to peek out so covered with more earth as frosts forecast. We also have a salad bed (that we plan will later give way to sunflowers) with radish, Chinese mixed salads, mixed salads, little gem lettuce, spinach and spinach beet.
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