Monday 19 October 2009


Finally, managed to get some garlic bulbs and get them planted before Xmas! (17th Oct) Just have to hope they grow ok now, this years did ok - but small - from a late sowing so looking forward to a bumper crop next summer.

Tried to prevent them from rotting overwinter by using a bulb planter to make some 4-5" holes, filled with mix of compost and sharp sand. Garlic cloves are about 1-2" below soil.

Also last week, managed a sunny day tidying up and planting some mixed oriental mustards and two varieties of Spring Cabbage (a little late). One tray of cabbage and mustards already germinated by the weekend.

Pulled a few wind sown salsify seeding and moved out of leek bed - although not too much difference between them.

Slowly cropping away still... sweetcorn, beetroot, swedes, red cabbage, white cabbage, few early brussels, last of the broad beans. And a couple of blackberries.