Cropped about a quarter of the charlotte potatoes, not too much damage but a couple had gone yellow and few more starting, so will have to get rest out soon.
Also cabbage, cauliflowers, a couple of huge courgettes, beetroot, peas and broad beans.
As it's raining AGAIN, I have been tootling round the internet to try and earn some pennies (or am I being optimistic!). More an experiment to see how these things work than actually get any income from them.
Hence, today sees the launch of my new shop... - basically a link into allotment and gardening specific bits of Amazon, costs the same whether you click through here or go direct to amazon, but if it's through the link on here I get a commission of what you buy. Wooh!
Plus a few google ads sneaked in that hopefully do not overpower my blog. It's so tempting to click on them myself... but I'm not allowed!